
Appendix A Committees
This Appendix is for the purpose of defining responsibilities for the following committees. The description of responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the items listed. (Updated Jan, 1st 2021)
Audit Committee (audit at will without interference)
·   Member concerns as communicated to the board or in confidence to the Audit Committee.
·   All committee activity for compliance with the boundaries of Declaration of Reservations and Restrictions of Norris Shores HOA.
·   All Norris Shores HOA financial spend, accounting, and reporting
·   All current and future documented changes to either Declaration of Reservations and Restrictions or By-Laws of the Norris
      Shores HOA in order to ensure proper procedural accuracy.
·   Report all findings to the Board                                
Building Restrictions Committee 
·    Consists of a chairperson and 2-3 members.
·    Keep informed of new construction and additions to existing dwellings.
·    Determine that all construction conforms to the Declaration of Reservations and Restrictions of Norris Shores HOA on Norris
·    Assist owners with information to help them comply with Restrictions.
·    Operate under the guidelines of the Operating Procedure approved by the board on June 23, 2000 and as it may be revised by
       the board in the future.
·    Employees remedies as described in Article V, Section 1, paragraph (f) in the By-Laws where violations of these Restrictions
       remain in effect.
·    Supply owners with a list of known builders in the area.
·    Supply owners with building information packet.
·    Review activities with Board.
 Capital Expense Review Committee (current & future)
·    Periodically review condition of current NSPOA property / assets 
·    Provide guidance on long-term capital “maintenance” expense needs based off condition of current assets.
·    Provide guidance on long-term capital expense needs based off community growth.
·    Review all capital expense over $5000.00 approved by the Board.
·    Focus on future needs of NSPOA.
·    Review all activities with the Board
Roads and Grounds Committee (to include Club House & Marina)
·    Schedule clean-up days for Norris Shores Development throughout the year as needed.
·    Purchase and plant shrubs, flowers and bulbs when needed for Norris Shores entrance and common areas.
·    Purchase and place mulch where needed for Norris Shores entrance and common areas.
·    Maintain professional appearance standards of all common areas.
·    Develop and maintain working relationship with UCRS. (Union County Road Superintendent)
·    Communicate poor road conditions to UCRS.
·    Work with UCRS to develop action steps for correction of poor road condition or road / right of way concerns. (Drainage issues,
       culverts, trees ext.) 
·    Oversee all active projects approved by the Board.
·    Review all activities with the Board.
Note: Common Areas are defined as all property owned by NSPOA
Social Committee
·    Plans and communicates social gatherings for the community.
·    Coordinates with Secretary and Treasure regarding communications, payments and tracking budget expenses associated with
       community events.
·    Coordinates and purchases all supplies for scheduled events.
·    Coordinates and executes all “set up” and “take down” activities associated with events. 
·    Coordinates and plans meals for Annual meeting & March clean up events.
·    Provides quarterly news letters
·    Review all activities with the Board